Thursday, January 19, 2006

Publin, innovation in the public sector, reports
and another report is contained here, mainly written by Paul to be honest (I did some interviews and a lot of editing, but he wrote 90% of this):
NHS Direct, An Innovation in Social Trust
By Paul Cunningham, Lawrence Green, Ian Miles and John Rigby
Publin, innovation in the public sector, reports

Here is the report for the PUBLIN project:
Thomas Halvorsen, Johan Hauknes, Ian Miles and Rannveig Røste - On the differences between public and private sector innovation
and in which is the chapter:
Rannveig Røste and Ian Miles, 2005, "Differences between public and private sector innovation" pp22-39

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

5.104 R Popper &I Miles “IST and Europe's Objectives - a Survey of Expert Opinion” Chapter 5 PP87-103
5.103 L Green & I Miles “Applying IST to European Goals - Developing and Deploying Alternative Scenarios” Chapter 10 PP 183-201
in Corina Pascu and Florin Gheorghe Filip (eds) 2005 Visions on the Future of Information Society in an Enlarged Europe Bucharest, Academia Romana, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, ISBN: 973-271199-X available at: