Friday, August 29, 2008

Thinking Ahead on e-Skills in Europe Executive Summary

(CEPIS, 2006) no attribution, but authors were: Matthew Dixon, Con Gregg, Ian Miles, Lawrence Green

The main report by these authors “Thinking Ahead on e-Skills for Europe seems a little elusive online. but the Annexes are here

e-Skills Background report: This is:
Harnessing our Strengths and Diversity for the World Stage
Background Paper (separated out, at the request of the European Commission, from the Project Report on e-Skills Foresight Scenarios for the ICT Industry, provided for clarification purposes in support of that Report; mainly, if not entirely, prepared by Matthew Dixon; a lot of clarification on definitions etc.), Council of European Professional Informatics Societies
November, 2007

Thursday, August 28, 2008

IMPRESS: Project
This project contains the report "The Impact of Clean Production
on Employment in Europe – An Analysis using Surveys and Case Studies" published in 2000
by (ZEW) Klaus Rennings, Thomas Zwick, Suhita Osório-Peters
(FEEM) Matteo Bartolomeo, Andrea Marsanich
(MERIT) Rene Kemp, Anthony Arundel, Leann Chervenic-Poeth
(PREST) Ian Miles, Steven Glynn
(FHSO) Najib Harabi, Mathias Binswanger, Annette Jochem

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rafael Popper, Michael Keenan, Ian Miles, Maurits Butter, Graciela Sainz de la Fuenta 2007, Global Foresight Outlook 2007 for the
EFMN Network at

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hidden innovation in the creative industries

Ian Miles and Lawrence Green, July 2008, Hidden Innovation in the creative industries published by NESTA, London

Innovation has been a subject of serious academic and policy interest for several decades. The ‘creative industries’ have been studied for a shorter period of time, but perhaps more intensely. However, we do not understand well the process of innovation within the creative industries, nor how waves of innovation from elsewhere impact upon them. Since they represent a large and fast-growing part of our economy, this gap in our understanding needs to be remedied.

This research project uses the tools of ‘traditional’ innovation research to explore, analyse and compare innovation in four sectors that are critical to the UK’s creative future: videogames development, product design, advertising, and independent broadcast production. Technology is an important driver of innovation in all four sectors, but much innovation remains ‘hidden’ – uncounted by traditional innovation indicators. Moreover, the sectors studied display varied abilities to adapt to new technologies and increasing competition.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PRO INNO Europe: INNO-Grips
"Editorial" p2 in Inno-GRIPS Newsletter n°3 April 2008, special issue on innovation for development

Short enough to reproduce here:

"Our preoccupation with the new challenges of climate change and an ageing population is understandable, given their seriousness. But many
of the old problems that beset humanity are still very much with us. Many people remain locked in extreme poverty, confronting hunger and disease
on a daily basis. Yes, there are political factors at play: bad governance, cross-border and domestic conflict, and lack of investment in nurturing human
capabilities. Is it too presumptuous to think that innovation will be part of the solution? After all, there has been considerable progress in many
regions of the world, in terms of economic growth and raised living standards (though often at a cost).

Innovation – in terms of technology transfer and diffusion; use of advanced technologies; and some advanced organisational techniques and service activities –
is certainly a substantial part of these success stories.

Of course, the theme of science and technology for development is
a long-established one. In Europe, the last peak in research and
practice was probably in the 1970s, before the neoconservative
approach to politics persuaded many decision makers that practically all problems would be solved by freeing up trade and investment, and
letting markets operate more freely. The world has changed substantially since then.

New fundamental technologies, globalisation, geopolitical change,
environmental problems, the rise of new “emergent economies”, and many other factors have redrawn the context for development. Or have they?

In the 1970s the situation facing developing countries was substantially different from that facing the industrialised countries a century or so
earlier. We were in a world where technologically advanced nations were investing heavily into further technology development; where corporations were organising their production and distribution in a new international division of
labour; where notions of “catch up” were counterposed against those of “appropriate
technology”. This did not prevent some countries from transforming themselves dramatically, in short periods of time, though this rests on the
basis of long-term investment and strategy.

Now, the countries that seem most locked into cycles of low growth and persistent poverty are facing a situation that is in some ways more
extreme (faced, for example, with the impacts of climate change). But there are also lessons to be learned from how others have achieved some
degree of development and even “catch up” (though the term is very imperfect): new
technologies; growing understanding of how innovation and knowledge
transfer strategies may differ from technology policies; decades of
practical experience in both top-down and grassroots mobilisation of
innovation for development.

It is in this context that INNOGRIPS organised its Think Tank
meeting on Innovation and the fight against Poverty, Hunger and Disease
in Rabat last December (2007), exploring how approaches to
innovation and development are responding to the new global context, and what lessons could be drawn from various approaches. A rich discussion
highlighted important areas for further work and identified issues to consider in policy formulation.

We hope that it will be the beginning of an ongoing set of dialogues on these themes. In this special edition of the newsletter we present a variety of interesting articles linked to these themes, which include an expert's view on
breaking down barriers to innovation and unlocking potential in developing countries; exploring the potential of the internet in transforming civil society organisations in a developing country, and we feature an example of
progress in doing innovation based business in India."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Patterns of innovation in service industries

IBM Systems Journal | Vol. 47, No. 1, 2008 - Service Science, Management, and Engineering
Patterns of innovation in service industries 2008, I. Miles

Systems Journal
Vol 47 No 1 pp115-128

Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, January 28, 2008

found while surfing at

which is Information Society Revisited: PICTuring the Information Society by
Ian Miles
in Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention

Edited by Robin Mansell, Rohan Samarajiva and Amy Mahan

2002 Delft University Press, all at