Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Found on a Google Search:
The FISTERA Final REport has been opublished and seems to be onine unofficially as yet, at
This is:
Ramon Compañó, Corina Pascu, Jean-Claude Burgelman (jrc-ipts),
Michael Rader (itas-fzk),
Roberto Saracco, Graziella Spinelli (tilab),
Bernhard Dachs, Matthias Weber, Sami Mahroum (ARC-SYS),
and Rafael Popper, Lawrence Green, Ian Miles (PREST) 2006
Foresight On Information Society Technologies For The European Research Area (Fistera): Key Findings IPTS, Technical Report Series, EUR 22319.en ISBN 92-79-02753-0 and ISSN: 1018-5593